Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Whole 30: Day 3 AKA the day the 2 y/o said "more squash peese"

Feeling pretty good today. No headache since day 1. I had some tiredness around lunch but powered through. I've got to work on my time management. The kids are not doing the whole 30 and my boys throw up if I give them eggs so I have to make them a separate breakfast. I made prosciutto and eggs in muffin cups for breakfast. I mixed in some onion and spinach. My 9 year old tried it and like it except for the spinach. For lunch we browned some leftover chicken I made in the crockpot Sunday. I put some coconut butter in the skillet along with some lime and cilantro and browned it. Then Hubby made roasted asparagus and sweet potato. It was a good, filling lunch. The only problem is that by the time it was done I barely had 10 minutes to eat and head back to work. For dinner tonight we had cracklin chicken from nomnompaleo. I used onion powder, garlic powder and poultry seasoning along with sea salt and it was the best chicken I have had in a while. 4 out of 5 people at the table had seconds. We also had roasted butternut squash and broccoli. At one point I was putting a piece of squash in my mouth only to see my 2 y/o reaching out with his fork to try to take it away from me. He had 3 servings of squash and would say "mo squash peese" with his little toddler grin. And what mother ever can say no to a toddler who wants to eats squash?

I also had enough energy at the end of the day to run a mile in under 15 minutes. And considering I've been on the treadmill once in the last year I think that's great. I still haven't learned to drink coffee black. I almost got a whole cup down this morning.

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